The European Higher Education Area -
Achieving the Goals
Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers
Responsible for Higher Education,
Bergen, 19-20 May 2005
We, Ministers responsible for higher education in the participating countries
of the Bologna
Process, have met for a mid-term review and for setting goals and priorities
towards 2010. At
this conference, we have welcomed Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova
and Ukraine as
new participating countries in the Bologna Process. We all share the common
of the principles, objectives and commitments of the Process as expressed
in the Bologna
Declaration and in the subsequent communiqués from the Ministerial
Conferences in Prague
and Berlin. We confirm our commitment to coordinating our policies through
the Bologna
Process to establish the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010,
and we commit
ourselves to assisting the new participating countries to implement the
goals of the Process.
I. Partnership
We underline the central role of higher education institutions,
their staff and students as
partners in the Bologna Process. Their role in the implementation of the
Process becomes all
the more important now that the necessary legislative reforms are largely
in place, and we
encourage them to continue and intensify their efforts to establish the
EHEA. We welcome
the clear commitment of higher education institutions across Europe to
the Process, and we
recognise that time is needed to optimise the impact of structural change
on curricula and thus
to ensure the introduction of the innovative teaching and learning processes
that Europe
We welcome the support of organisations representing business and the social
partners and
look forward to intensified cooperation in reaching the goals of the Bologna
Process. We
further welcome the contributions of the international institutions and
organisations that are
partners to the Process.
II. Taking stock
We take note of the significant progress made towards our goals,
as set out in the General
Report 2003-2005 from the Follow-up Group, in EUA's Trends IV report, and
in ESIB's
report Bologna with Student Eyes.
At our meeting in Berlin, we asked the Follow-up Group for a mid-term stocktaking,
on three priorities - the degree system, quality assurance and the recognition
of degrees and
periods of study. From the stocktaking report we note that substantial
progress has been made
in these three priority areas. It will be important to ensure that progress
is consistent across all
participating countries. We therefore see a need for greater sharing of
expertise to build
capacity at both institutional and governmental level.
The degree system
We note with satisfaction that the two-cycle degree system is being implemented
on a large
scale, with more than half of the students being enrolled in it in most
countries. However,
there are still some obstacles to access between cycles. Furthermore, there
is a need for
greater dialogue, involving Governments, institutions and social partners,
to increase the
employability of graduates with bachelor qualifications, including in appropriate
posts within
the public service.
We adopt the overarching framework for qualifications in the EHEA, comprising
three cycles
(including, within national contexts, the possibility of intermediate qualifications),
descriptors for each cycle based on learning outcomes and competences,
and credit ranges in
the first and second cycles. We commit ourselves to elaborating national
frameworks for
qualifications compatible with the overarching framework for qualifications
in the EHEA by
2010, and to having started work on this by 2007. We ask the Follow-up
Group to report on
the implementation and further development of the overarching framework.
We underline the importance of ensuring complementarity between the overarching
framework for the EHEA and the proposed broader framework for qualifications
for lifelong
learning encompassing general education as well as vocational education
and training as now
being developed within the European Union as well as among participating
countries. We ask
the European Commission fully to consult all parties to the Bologna Process
as work
Quality assurance
Almost all countries have made provision for a quality assurance
system based on the criteria
set out in the Berlin Communiqué and with a high degree of cooperation
and networking.
However, there is still progress to be made, in particular as regards student
involvement and
international cooperation. Furthermore, we urge higher education institutions
to continue their
efforts to enhance the quality of their activities through the systematic
introduction of internal
mechanisms and their direct correlation to external quality assurance.
We adopt the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European
Education Area as proposed by ENQA. We commit ourselves to introducing
the proposed
model for peer review of quality assurance agencies on a national basis,
while respecting the
commonly accepted guidelines and criteria. We welcome the principle of
a European register
of quality assurance agencies based on national review. We ask that the
practicalities of
implementation be further developed by ENQA in cooperation with EUA, EURASHE
ESIB with a report back to us through the Follow-up Group. We underline
the importance of
cooperation between nationally recognised agencies with a view to enhancing
the mutual
recognition of accreditation or quality assurance decisions.
Recognition of degrees and study periods
We note that 36 of the 45 participating countries have now ratified
the Lisbon Recognition
Convention. We urge those that have not already done so to ratify the Convention
delay. We commit ourselves to ensuring the full implementation of its principles,
and to
incorporating them in national legislation as appropriate. We call on all
participating countries
to address recognition problems identified by the ENIC/NARIC networks.
We will draw up
national action plans to improve the quality of the process associated
with the recognition of
foreign qualifications. These plans will form part of each country's national
report for the next
Ministerial Conference. We express support for the subsidiary texts to
the Lisbon Recognition
Convention and call upon all national authorities and other stakeholders
to recognise joint
degrees awarded in two or more countries in the EHEA.
We see the development of national and European frameworks for qualifications
as an
opportunity to further embed lifelong learning in higher education. We
will work with higher
education institutions and others to improve recognition of prior learning
including, where
possible, non-formal and informal learning for access to, and as elements
in, higher education
III. Further challenges and priorities
Higher education and research
We underline the importance of higher education in further enhancing
research and the
importance of research in underpinning higher education for the economic
and cultural
development of our societies and for social cohesion. We note that the
efforts to introduce
structural change and improve the quality of teaching should not detract
from the effort to
strengthen research and innovation. We therefore emphasise the importance
of research and
research training in maintaining and improving the quality of and enhancing
competitiveness and attractiveness of the EHEA. With a view to achieving
better results we
recognise the need to improve the synergy between the higher education
sector and other
research sectors throughout our respective countries and between the EHEA
and the European
Research Area.
To achieve these objectives, doctoral level qualifications need to be fully
aligned with the
EHEA overarching framework for qualifications using the outcomes-based
approach. The
core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through
research. Considering the need for structured doctoral programmes and the
need for
transparent supervision and assessment, we note that the normal workload
of the third cycle in
most countries would correspond to 3-4 years full time. We urge universities
to ensure that
their doctoral programmes promote interdisciplinary training and the development
transferable skills, thus meeting the needs of the wider employment market.
We need to
achieve an overall increase in the numbers of doctoral candidates taking
up research careers
within the EHEA. We consider participants in third cycle programmes both
as students and as
early stage researchers. We charge the Bologna Follow-up Group with inviting
the European
University Association, together with other interested partners, to prepare
a report under the
responsibility of the Follow-up Group on the further development of the
basic principles for
doctoral programmes, to be presented to Ministers in 2007. Overregulation
of doctoral
programmes must be avoided.
The social dimension
The social dimension of the Bologna Process is a constituent part of the
EHEA and a
necessary condition for the attractiveness and competitiveness of the EHEA.
We therefore
renew our commitment to making quality higher education equally accessible
to all, and stress
the need for appropriate conditions for students so that they can complete
their studies without
obstacles related to their social and economic background. The social dimension
measures taken by governments to help students, especially from socially
groups, in financial and economic aspects and to provide them with guidance
and counselling
services with a view to widening access.
We recognise that mobility of students and staff among all participating
countries remains one
of the key objectives of the Bologna Process. Aware of the many remaining
challenges to be
overcome, we reconfirm our commitment to facilitate the portability of
grants and loans
where appropriate through joint action, with a view to making mobility
within the EHEA a
reality. We shall intensify our efforts to lift obstacles to mobility by
facilitating the delivery of
visa and work permits and by encouraging participation in mobility programmes.
We urge
institutions and students to make full use of mobility programmes, advocating
full recognition
of study periods abroad within such programmes.
The attractiveness of the EHEA and cooperation with other parts
of the world
The European Higher Education Area must be open and should be
attractive to other parts of
the world. Our contribution to achieving education for all should be based
on the principle of
sustainable development and be in accordance with the ongoing international
work on
developing guidelines for quality provision of cross-border higher education.
We reiterate that
in international academic cooperation, academic values should prevail.
We see the European Higher Education Area as a partner of higher education
systems in other
regions of the world, stimulating balanced student and staff exchange and
between higher education institutions. We underline the importance of intercultural
understanding and respect. We look forward to enhancing the understanding
of the Bologna
Process in other continents by sharing our experiences of reform processes
with neighbouring
regions. We stress the need for dialogue on issues of mutual interest.
We see the need to
identify partner regions and intensify the exchange of ideas and experiences
with those
regions. We ask the Follow-up Group to elaborate and agree on a strategy
for the external
IV. Taking stock on progress for 2007
We charge the Follow-up Group with continuing and widening the
stocktaking process and
reporting in time for the next Ministerial Conference. We expect stocktaking
to be based on
the appropriate methodology and to continue in the fields of the degree
system, quality
assurance and recognition of degrees and study periods, and by 2007 we
will have largely
completed the implementation of these three intermediate priorities.
In particular, we shall look for progress in:
- implementation of the standards and guidelines for quality assurance
as proposed in
the ENQA report;
- implementation of the national frameworks for qualifications;
- the awarding and recognition of joint degrees, including at the doctorate
- creating opportunities for flexible learning paths in higher education,
procedures for the recognition of prior learning.
We also charge the Follow-up Group with presenting comparable data on the
mobility of staff
and students as well as on the social and economic situation of students
in participating
countries as a basis for future stocktaking and reporting in time for the
next Ministerial
Conference. The future stocktaking will have to take into account the social
dimension as
defined above.
V. Preparing for 2010
Building on the achievements so far in the Bologna Process,
we wish to establish a European
Higher Education Area based on the principles of quality and transparency.
We must cherish
our rich heritage and cultural diversity in contributing to a knowledge-based
society. We
commit ourselves to upholding the principle of public responsibility for
higher education in
the context of complex modern societies. As higher education is situated
at the crossroads of
research, education and innovation, it is also the key to Europe's competitiveness.
As we
move closer to 2010, we undertake to ensure that higher education institutions
enjoy the
necessary autonomy to implement the agreed reforms, and we recognise the
need for
sustainable funding of institutions.
The European Higher Education Area is structured around three cycles, where
each level has
the function of preparing the student for the labour market, for further
competence building
and for active citizenship. The overarching framework for qualifications,
the agreed set of
European standards and guidelines for quality assurance and the recognition
of degrees and
periods of study are also key characteristics of the structure of the EHEA.
We endorse the follow-up structure set up in Berlin, with the inclusion
of the Education
International (EI) Pan-European Structure, the European Association for
Quality Assurance in
Higher Education (ENQA), and the Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations
Europe (UNICE) as new consultative members of the Follow-up Group.
As the Bologna Process leads to the establishment of the EHEA, we have
to consider the
appropriate arrangements needed to support the continuing development beyond
2010, and we
ask the Follow-up Group to explore these issues.
We will hold the next Ministerial Conference in London in 2007.
45 countries participate in the Bologna Process and are members of the
Follow-up Group: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
Belgium (Flemish Community and French Community), Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, the Holy See, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, the
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, "the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia", Turkey, Ukraine and the United
Kingdom. In addition, the European Commission is a voting member of the
Follow-up Group.
The Council of Europe, the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB),
the Education International (EI) Pan-European Structure, the
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA),
the European University Association (EUA), the European
Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), the European
Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) and the Union
of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe (UNICE) are consultative
members of the Follow-up Group.