1) Bologna Process Documents
Bergen Communiqué (2005) view
Berlin Communiqué (2003) pdf
Prague Communiqué (2001) view
Bologna Declaration (1999) pdf
Sorbonne Declaration (1998) pdf
2) Report on quality and qualifications Framework approved by Ministers
- A framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
- Standards and guidelines for Quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area
3) From Bergen to London:
Contribution of the European commission 24-1-2006 doc
4) Final Reports of Bologna Seminars
- Doctoral programmes for the European Knowledge Society-Salisburgo 2005
- The social dimension of the European Higher Education Area and world wide competition-Parigi 2005
- Recommendations from the Bologna seminar on Qualifications Frameworks-Copenhagen 2005
- Improving the recognition system of degrees-Riga 2004
- Designing policies for mobile students-Noordwijk 2004
- Using learning outcomes-Edimburgo 2004
- Joint Degrees – Further development-Stoccolma 2004
- Students’ Participation in governance in Higher Education-Oslo 2003
- Integrated curricula - Implications and prospects-Mantova 2003
- Master level degrees-Helsinki 2003
- Credit Transfer and Accumulation – The challenge for institutions and students-Zurigo 2002