
Information about BSUEB

Bishkek State University of Economics and BusinessBishkek State University of Economics and Business is the specialized University, which is training specialists for the most of priority economical branches like: accounting, finance and credits, insurance, banking management, economics and management, management of organization, social-cultural services and tourism, marketing, trade business, International economics and the world economy, expertise of products, technology products of public catering, anticrises management, applied ICT in economics. The mission of BSUEB is training highly qualified personnel, which will be able to get adaptation in competitional condition of market. In submission of qualified educational programs, guided by energy, initiative, creation, professionalism and international cooperation of the professorial-pedagogical staff. Providing of highly qualified education is not only for personal luck of graduators also for the economical prosperity of Motherland. At the same time it is a great opportunity to raise the level of qualified education for the future of graduators in labour market. One of the ways of solving this problem is to move it forward in global educational space. There are 5 faculties in BSUEB:

  1. Economics and accounting
  2. Finance and credit
  3. Management and Entrepreneurship
  4. Trade and technology

Name of the faculty

The name of courses

Number of the students


Economics and accounting

-Book keeping, analysis, and audit



-Applied ICT in economics


Finance and credit

-         Finance and credit

(Specializations “Insurance policy”, “Banking and bank system”, “Financial management”



-Taxation politics


-World economics


Management and


-Management of organization

(Specialization “Management in Hospitality”



Social – cultural service and tourism


Economics and management of the organization


Trade and Technology

-Commodity research and goods examination



-Commerce (trading business)


-Technology of public catering





The studying is on contract and on budget forms.
Normative term of studying is:
For the postgraduates of colleges-3 years, for the secondary school graduators -5 years. From the 2004-2005 – 4 years – bachelor degree.
Mostly of our graduators are working at the enterprises, at the financial and credit companies and firms, at the Ministries and offices of Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Russian federation and in the foreign countries. Students are able to practice in profile branches of sciences and able to use five computer classes with free Internet. There are 300 docents and teachers, more then 10 doctors and more then 40 of candidates of science, famous scientists in economics. Also in Bishkek State University of Economics and Business there is Doctor’s and Candidates dissertations Councils. These faculties are among the leading faculties of the economical institutions in our Republic in training qualified personnel. Also they cooperate with all leading economical Institutions as well as in our country and beyond of it. Besides we are collaborate
 with many organizations, Ministry of Finance, National bank, Commercial bank, Taxation policy and State commission of financial standards.
Taking into consideration needs of further improvement of qualified specialists we have already began to work on formation of Academicals Institution of training finance and bookkeeping specialists. We are going to widen our fields of activities, open new profiles as Tax and Taxations, Insurance. At the same time we are opening new specializations as financial manager, Bookkeepers of budget organizations, bookkeepers of hospitality and tourism business, bookkeepers of trade companies and etc. In the faculty there is students’ governing society. We have a large experience with TEMPUS-TACIS projects taking into account ECTS for 5 years period.

  1. Now days in the frame- work of project MP JEP-23027 in the faculty of Management and Entrepreneurship has finiled new convergent curriculum for the specialties as “ Management of Hospitality”, ”Social-cultural service and tourism”. The partners of the projects are: Universita degli Studi di Perugia (Perugia, Italia), Strathclyde Univerisity (Glasgow, UK), Rovaniemi polytechnic University (Finland), Orchon University of Ulaanbaatar( Mongolia), Tashkent’s State University of Economics, Buhara State University, and from Kyrgyzstan is Issyk-Kul’s State University.

In the process of developing of the common convergent curriculum with taking into account all situations of the Universities were chosen not only common and same subjects, also were chosen unique system of credit-hours, which answers to Bologna process. The chair “ Bookkeeping” is finished the creation of the unique educational standards on the base of international standards of financial accountancy.
By the decision Ministry of Education Bishkek State University of Economics and Business is included into the 7 Pilot institutions of our country as the collaborator of this project because of such experiences and well based financial and technical foundations, high-qualified staff.
Representatives of the faculties are:
1.Finace and credit- Ershova O.M.

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