I. Arabaev Kyrgyz State University is one of the oldest elite Higher Educational Institutions in our country and it has six modern academic buildings located in the center of the city. More than 1000 professors, assistant professors and teachers аreworking productively at the University. About 300 of them are doctors and candidates of science. Currently 15105 students and 160 doctors and post-graduate students аrestudying there. The university graduates are highly evaluated and they work in state and private organizations and NGOs and other spheres.
Academic life
I. Arabaev KSU provides the multilevel system of education on training qualified specialists: bachelor-specialist-master-candidate of sciences-doctor.
Educational activity of the University is realized on 53 specialties and courses within the following program framework:
Continuing education: 5 years of study
Multilevel: 6 years of study (bachelor - 4 years,
master - 2 years).
Short-term; 2,5 and 3,5 years.
European languages (English, German, French, Spain, Italian, Ivrit, etc.) and eastern languages (Japan, Korean, Chinese, Arabian, farce) are taught professionally at the university. Research effort
Research works on humanitarian and natural sciences are held together with the educational process at the University. Mo; г than 20 research laboratories are
equipped with modern facilities, 30 computer and multimedia classes have an access to Internet.
The students' research work takes the main place. The best student scientific works are encouraged by a wide spectrum of moral and financial incentives. The best works are published in the-collection of scientific works and bulletins of the University.
We are also proud of our scientific library, where it contains: The information center of support of students' scientific research work, bookstore with half a million books, and a free access electronic library.
International life
Broadening of international relations is one of the universities and it keeps the second place among other State Higher Educational Institutions of Kyrgyzstan with the number of foreign students. Currently 1619 citizens from far and near foreign countries are gaining knowledge.
The university always provides financial help to needy students and they are given different kinds of social privilege (about 60% release from the tuition fee).
University and sport life
The university has a good sport base: 2 gyms, mini stadium, halls for wrestling, boxing and eastern duels, playground for football and tennis court, rooms for shaping exercises and simulators, open air stadiums.
The combined teams of I. Arabaev KSU arethe winners of the students' competitions among Higher Schools of Kyrgyzstan and they areone of the first ten mighty teams. Our students being the member of combined teams of Kyrgyzstan successfully defend the honor of our Republic in different international contests. We are proud of such students as Mairambek Jarkulov who held the first place in the World students' contest - 2005 in the Izmir (Turkey) and Rustam Duishebaev - champion of Central Asia and Kazakhstan on wrestling ("Kurosh").
Cultural and mass activity
Students attend sport sections, clinics, studios; clubhouses with great pleasure and take an active part in it. Different kind of conferences, contests, festivals, shows and performances areheld regularly at the university.
Structure of the University is flexible, maintains a leading position at the forefront of education and offers the following divisions:
- Institute of State language and culture
- Institute of world languages
- Institute of Developing Qualification in
Further Training - Centre of Humanities
- Centre of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Elementary and pre-school
education - Faculty of Study of mental defects and
physical handicaps - Faculty of European civilizations
- Faculty of History and social-law
education - Faculty of Geography and Ecology
- Faculty of Biology and Chemistry
- Faculty of Artistic culture and education
- Faculty of Computer Sciences,
Mathematics and Physics - Faculty of Oriental Studies and
International Affairs - Department of Psychology
- Colleges and Lyceum
- The university is truly proud of its highly qualified specialists The main credo -everything is for students
- The students are future of the country