Kyrgyz Republic. 722600 Naryn city, S. Orozbak uulu st. 47.Phone:+ 996 (3522) 50797, + 996 (3522) 50796
Fax: +996 (3522) 50814. e-mail: nsu[at]ktnet.kg, web: www.nsu.to.kg
On May 22, 1996, Kyrgyz President decreed that measures should be taken to encourage the intellectual, scientific, and economic potential of the Naryn Region. Naryn State University was formed with this purpose in mind. The mission of NSU is the preparation, through higher education, of skilled experts in the natural sciences and the humanities, as well as in pedagogy, law, economy, and agriculture.
The current Rector of Naryn State University is Professor Almazbek Akmataliev. The staff of Naryn State University consists of 153 teachers, 36 of which are doctoral candidates in the sciences. Ten Doctors of Science cooperate with the university. For the 2003/04 academic year, NSU had 4250 students. For lectures and seminars, NSU faculty members actively engage students through advanced teaching techniques and the use of computer technology and audio-video equipment.
The Senior Department of Naryn State University works jointly with scientific institutes within the Republic, the CIS, and abroad to conduct research. Every year university scientists carry out research projects financed by the state budget and other independent financial sources. Conferences are also periodically held on scientific themes and methodology where new subjects of research are issued. Since 2001, 35 students have carried out their research through the NSU post-graduate program. Also through the post-graduate program, five young teachers are working in Russian high schools. From the moment of its formation, NSU has conducted eight conferences on science and scientific methods, held seven scientific excursions, university scientists of have published seven works, 14 research projects have been completed, and two master's theses have been successfully defended.
1. The Agrarian Technical Department
2. The Department of New Information Technologies
3. The Philological Department
4. The Department of Foreign Languages
5. The Department of Natural and Humanitarian
6. The Department of Economy, Business, and Administration
7. The Department of Social and Political Science
The Agrarian Technical Department
Dean: Dushekeev, K.D., Ph.D.
The purpose of the Agrarian Technical Department is the preparation of experts in traffic control, power plants, knowledge and methods of agricultural production, environmental preservation, and the rationing of natural resources. The staff consists of 24 teachers and seven doctoral candidates.
The Department of New Information Technologies
Dean: Omurov, N.K..
The Department of New Information Technologies offers a comprehensive education in the field of computer sciences. The department is divided into Automated Systems of Information Processing Management, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science and Computer Mechanics, as well as Higher Mathematics. The department includes 24 teachers, two of whom are Doctors of Science, and four doctoral candidates.
The Philological Department
Dean: Turdugulov, A.T., Ph.D.
The Philological Department contains advanced programs for educators and students who are self-directed learners with considerable experience in the practice of education. The structure of this department includes the Kyrgyz Language and Teaching Techniques, Kyrgyz Literature and Teaching Techniques, and practice in Russian. The department consists of 24 teachers. Among them there are two Doctors of Science and five doctoral candidates.
The Department of Foreign Languages
Dean: Chorobaeva, N.A
The purpose of Department of Foreign Languages is to promote excellence in education, ensuring that students understand the targeted foreign culture and civilization, and gaining a greater appreciation of those cultures and of their own culture in order to make them tolerant world citizens. The department prepares experts in the following spheres: English Language and Literature and German Language and Literature. The department consists of 19 teachers including five doctoral candidates.
The Department of Natural and Humanitarian
Dean: Jakeeva, Y.J. Ph.D.
The Department of Natural and Humanitarian offers professional training in the following fields: Pedagogy and Primary Education, Biology, Chemistry, Musical Education, Fine Arts, and Physical Education. The Department consists of 39 teachers, including three Doctors of Science, and eight doctoral candidates.
The Department of Economy, Business, and Administration
Dean: Omuralieva, D.K. Ph.D.
The Department of Economy, Business, and Administration provides undergraduate business students with the opportunity to earn a minor in business. This department offers the following specialties: Finance and Credit, Book Keeping and Auditing, and Management and Organization. The staff consist is of 24 teachers, including one Doctor of Science, and six doctoral candidates.
The Department of Social and Political Science
Dean: Esenalieva, G.
The Department of Social and Political Science conducts courses designed to help students develop knowledge of the importance of democratic citizenship and an informed awareness of the modern world. This is accomplished through the education and analysis of the historical and political dimensions of various peoples and cultures. This department offers course work in Government and Law, Specialized Legal Disciplines, and the History and Philosophy of Law. There are 20 teachers working in this department, two Doctors of Science, and five doctoral candidates with a wide experience of pedagogical activity.
Within the structure of Naryn State University, there are a variety of educational opportunities for students:
- The Agricultural Technical School
- The College of Pedagogy
- Training Center and Continuing Education
Military Department
- School - Lyceum
- Driving School
- Youth Media Center
- The Center of American Studies
The Youth Media Center
The Youth Media Center was formed to create a multitude of media projects. Projects include students participating in TV and radio programs with local mass media, as well as printing a youth newspaper. The equipment of the Media Center will allow students to create radio and TV programs and to sell them local media outlets. Goals to publish the newspaper “Bilim Bashaty” in addition to other student publications including "Mirror," "Reverberation," and “Unique” are planned. In the long term, the Media Center is anticipated to become an independent mass media outlet in the oblast that will improve the entire media market of Kyrgyzstan.
The Center of American Studies
The Center of American Studies began in September 2004 and started as a joint venture with the University of Montana. Its main purpose is to develop cross-cultural relations between Kyrgyz and Americans, yet the center offers much more. In addition to creating courses and materials on American and international topics, the center aims to provide intermediate and advanced English language acquisition for the students and teachers of NSU. The center is equipped with a satellite TV, audio tape recorders, and books from the United Nations, the United States, China, Russia, the World Bank, and the Asian Bank of Development. The center also periodically provides specialized training in the English language and holds conferences, round tables, and seminars on various topics.
Today, the knowledge of computer technologies is necessary in modern life. Due to the enormous need to master computer technologies, the Naryn Regional Center of New Information Technologies was created in 1999.
The Naryn Regional Center of Foreign Languages Training was created in 1999 as a way of meeting need for English Language Studies so that Kyrgyzstan and its students can students can enter into the world community.
From the date of its formation, Naryn State University has given great importance to the establishment and development of cooperation between itself and other programs of higher education as well as international organizations.
NSU currently cooperates with three American universities: the University of Great Falls, Montana State University, and the University in California at Chico. Through University Invitation, five volunteers from the USA, Japan, and Great Britain have worked as teachers of the English language at the university. Since 2000, NSU has cooperated with the University of Great Falls and six NSU students have passed one-year training at that university.
Such types of exchanges continue to be established between NSU and other universities, both within Kyrgyzstan and abroad. Two NSU students are continuing their education at American universities and currently NSU has more than 57 foreign students from Turkey. Other universities in the United States, such as Carroll College and the University of Pittsburgh have also showed interest in establishing close connections with our university.
With a view on the development of furthering international educational programs, NSU maintains close connection with ACCELS, IREX, and DAAD. NSU also cooperates with the Soros Fund in Kyrgyzstan, UNDP, ACCELS, the Winrox Institute, the U.S. Embassy in Kyrgyzstan, and the Peace Corps.
Since 1997, the university has received over $50,000 U.S. in grants by the Eurasia Fund, the Soros Fund of Kyrgyzstan, UNDP, the Educational Network (EdNet), and the American Embassy in Kyrgyzstan, among others.
Our region has always sought knowledge and development. In this role, Naryn State University actively seeks the recruitment of foreign expertise. We strive to increase our students and faculty’s potential through training abroad. Instructors at NSU have received operational experience in the United States, Poland, Japan, Germany, Russia, the Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, and have successfully used their experiences in the education of our students and the development of our region.
NSU has taken great steps to make modern technology available to its student population. On campus, there are 230 modern computers. Students have access to nine computer labs, including labs with Internet access. The university also offers an Audio-Video Center, a Classroom Center, a pedagogical laboratory through the program Step by Step, and a modern library with three comfortable reading rooms with over 85,000 books, 65 magazine titles, and 22 newspapers.
NSU pays close attention to student recreational needs. For their enjoyment, NSU students are able to utilize the Youth Center "Son-Kol.” There, students can hold KVN competitions, theatre performances, conferences, concerts, and disco parties. NSU also offers students a Sports Center "Namys" with a modern basketball arena and a physical training complex, complete with showers, where students can continue their interests in athletics and training.
Students have created the organizations SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise), the sports club “Namys," the KVN team “Naryn State,” the theatrical club “Golden Wings,” a students’ theatre group, a debate club, a Korean dancing troop, and the student organization “Union of Youth.”
Students have also created methods of sharing their voices and ideas via local TV, radio, and print. Students issue three monthly newspapers: “Bilim Bashaty,” “Stud Life,” and “Mirror.”
Naryn State University is located in Naryn City along the Great Silk Road. It lies along the pristine Naryn River and is surrounded by beautiful snowcapped mountains and red sandstone cliffs. Over 50,000 people live in the city however Naryn retains the atmosphere of a bustling small town. Naryn City is the economic and cultural center of the Naryn Region. It features a hospitable community, a lively bazaar, and gorgeous scenery at every turn. Naryn State University is located one block north of the city center. The distance to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is 300 km.