Osh Technological University was founded on the basis of Osh higher technological college in 1996. In fact HEI began its activity over 40 years ago (1964) as a branch of evening faculty of Bishkek State technical university.
OshTU is situated in the South-East of ancient, second by size town in Kyrgyzstan, on the picturesque eastern bank of mountain river Ak-Bura with fresh air, in summer rest zone of citizens.
OshTU - dynamically developing university with ten faculties (Engineer-economical-1, Engineer-economical-2, Power-engineer, Motor transport, Information technology, technology and nature maintenance, Engineer-building, Engineer-pedagogical, managing and international relations and only one in the South of Kyrgyzstan Military faculty) and with two institutes (Retraining and staff training and Science – researching institute of applied researching and ecology), and also with 47 chairs, where preparation of specialists on 54 directions and specialties is going.
Managing structure of university: rector’s office, science department, academic-methodical managing, Department of investment and external affairs, Department of quality and innovation of education, Department of social development, Planned – economical department, Editorial – publishing department and others.
University has modern academic methodical and technical base: 34 academic and science laboratories, 15 computer classes with 400 computers, and also electronic library, Internet and multimedia classes, modern language and methodical laboratories; modern audio and visual aids, projection devices, equipments, and installations; library fund, that has 206 000 units. At the university television studio “Jashtyk” is acting, monthly own newspaper “Studtimes” is published, there are 4 production workshops; in printing house regularly science magazine “ News of OshTU” is published, collections, methodical and academic handouts.At OshTU disposal there are 6 academic-laboratorial block, 3 dormitories for students and teachers, 5 canteens, housewifery yards, subsidiary and others.
OshTU has cultural-aesthetical center and the best sports base among universities in the South.
At the same time with 5 years student preparation university prepares Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
Since 2004 OshTU is a pilot university in the South of Kyrgyzstan that introduces European Credit Transformation System by direction of “Economy”. Two employees of university (Asanov M.A., Tashmatova G.E.) are the members of expert group of the Ministry of Education and Science and Youth policy of KR in developing the strategy of introducing ECTS in HEI of Kyrgyzstan. University had published Informational catalog of Engineer-economical faculty-1.
550 students of the 1st, 2nd courses of EEF -1 are studying by credit technology. Elements of ECTS are being introduced at the other faculties.
Preparation works are finished for opening the branch of National Information Center (NIC) "Integration of Universities of Kyrgyz Republic into the Bologna Process in OshTU".
Address of the university: 714018, Osh, Isanov street, 81
Osh technological university
Tel.: (03222) 5-40-87, 5-42-28
Fax: (03222) 5-33-81, 5-30-53
E-mail: provsdo[at]mail.ru