On May, 4, 1992 on the Kyrgyz Architectural-Building Institute was created from the Architectural and Building faculties of the well known Polytechnic Institute, which on January 6, 1998 was transformed into the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture.
The university, continuing long-term national traditions in the preparation of the technical and engineering specialists in the field of construction and architecture, brings an essential contribution to the resolution of social and economic tasks of the country. Being an active member of the International Association of Higher Institutions of Construction within the CIS, it carries out preparation of experts in accordance with the performance section of the five-sided intergovernmental contract on the Customs’ Union and common economic space. The training of diploma specialists in 60 specialties is being conducted by combined efforts of six institutes and four faculties in the 44 departments in 18 directions.
The educational process of the university is based on the high qualifications of the scientific and pedagogical staff. Among them 25 Doctors of Sciences and more than 30 Professors, 120 Candidates of Sciences and senior lecturers, 17 honorary workers of education, scientists, culture, and also the honorary builders and economists.
There more than 500 teachers and 11000 students, including master and post-graduate, in the university. There are 7000 full time and part time 4000 students.
Training process
A distinctive feature of the teaching process in КSUCTA is a regular search for new ways of improving training of modern specialists, effectiveness and quality of training and self-training due to use of innovative technologies in education.
Multilevel education system with graduation of bachelors, qualified specialists and masters is achieved by the university
Special meaning is given, to 3 educational languages: computer, foreign and financial management.
Scientific Activity
The university has modern research and teaching-laboratory base. One of the primary goals of university is a development of science techniques and high technologies by means of scientific researches and other scientific and technical activity, and also preparation of highly skilled scientific and pedagogical staff.
The main scientific projects of the university are directed at:
- Seismic resistant in the construction of buildings and structures with active seismodefence;
- Use of composite construction materials and articles base on local raw material;
- Construction of roads, bridges and tunnels in mountainous places;
- Architecture of buildings and landscape architecture;
- Town-planning and design in the context of Eastern Architecture;
- Economy, management, finance and credit;
- Environmental energy supply protection;
- Energy efficiency and power supply;
- Non-traditional and renewed energy sources;
- Modern computer technologies.
The results of scientific projects are published in Kyrgyzstan and abroad in monographers, collections of annual scientific reports.
By results of researches it is received more than 50 patents. The university has a license certificate to carry out of all kinds of design and general construction works and tests of construction materials and structures.
The university doctoral and candidate dissertational councils work successfully on the following specialties:
- Construction structures, buildings;
- Construction materials and articles;
- Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of a historical-architectural heritage;
- Construction technology and organisation;
- Projecting and construction of roads, undergrounds, airports, bridges and transport tunnels;
- Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and illumination.
International Cooperation
Now the university supports steady connections with many foreign universities and international organisations in the countries of Europe, Asia and USA. One of the key directions of interuniversity cooperation is the development and realisation of the joint projects directed towards the creation of modern educational plans and programs, giving to teachers and students the opportunity of training in foreign higher educational institutions. Cooperation agreements with many universities of Russia, Kazakhstan are already in existence.
Student's life
The main work of educational work among students is the formation of an active creative personality, which possesses a sense of duty, responsibility of high culture and high moral quality.
A sound mind is a sound body
At the university three sports complexes, equipped by modern simulators successfully function. There are halls for sporting activities such as Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, heavy athletics, volleyball, football, basketball and national kinds of sports, such as kirosh, ordo, toguz korgool, etc.
The university has sports-healthy camp “Architect” on coast of Issyk-Kul and countryside base of rest.
Library-Information Centre
The centre includes publications on educational, teaching-methodical and scientific editions. The library of university is a rich source of educational literature numbering about 300 thousand books and magazines in the centre section.
Considering in formation technologies as the powerful tool of perfection and integration of scientifically-educational processes, the university purposefully is engaged in creation of the in formation environment of high schools. The electronic multimedia library “Alone with the world” and a computer reading room with round-the-clock access to the Internet has been created.
Editing and Publishing, Patent and Licensing Activity
Scientific and educationally-methodical literature is published on a regular basis: textbooks, monographs, methodical grants, recommendations for students. There are devoted to separate rates of disciplines, laboratory-practical employment, course and degree projects and works. The periodic scientific magazine “Herald of KSUCTA” and the university public information newspaper “USTA media” are published.